What to Expect

NOTE: We have started to return to physical/in-person worship in the sanctuary but will also keep a Zoom call running so that people who are unable to get to the building can still join in with the service.

During winter months we tend to keep the main door closed to keep the heat in and enter by the side door in Goldsmith Street.

If you come to one of our services, you’ll be welcomed at the door by a member of our welcome team. If you let them know that you are visiting us for the first time, they will be happy to show you where things are. On entering the Sanctuary (worship area), you will guided to a seat by one of our ushers. All the material will be projected, so you don't have to memorize anything.

A typical service lasts just over one hour and will start with one or two worship songs, with words projected on a central screen.

After words of welcome, Lord's prayer and bible reading, the pastor leads a time of asking for concerns and celebrations to share with the congregation. The service continues and includes more traditional hymns, accompanied by piano or organ. There is a time for offertory (visitors are not expected to contibute unless they want to) and a short sermon followed by more hymns and concludes with a benediction/blessing over the congregation.

After the service we have tea, coffee, cakes and cookies in the hall downstairs.