Volunteer of the Year
A relative newcomer, this year’s recipient very willingly shares his time in supporting the Men’s Group, the Stewardship Team, and most importantly has enhanced our technology ministry over these last few years. Whether manning the sound board during worship, reformatting and keeping our website current and inviting or coaching many of us on how to become more connected in various ways he very willingly gives of his time. Our recipient has also been a part of the discussions regarding church security and assisted in the efforts to enhance it. Recently, he has been exploring means for making our worship experiences more accessible for those among us with hearing impairments. Whatever his efforts he ministers among us with a warm gentle invested manner which is clearing appreciated by all.
Overwhelmingly, our choice for Volunteer of the Year 2020 is Kevin Warren.

Congratulations to Barbara Staples who is our 2018 Volunteer of the Year!
We had a tie this year! Congratulations to Ellie Stetson and Joanne Dates.

For all his dedication and many volunteered hours during the bathroom restoration, well deserved congratulations go to our very own Lyle Webster!

In 2024, we acknowledged that there are so many deserving and giving of their time and everyone equally deserved Volunteer of the Year. Consequently we put a moratorium on VOY, our annual affirmation that began back in 2007. Perhaps, as with other things in this time of transition and discernment, we will wait to see how to proceed with this form of recognition in the future.

Congratulations to Lyle Webster who was our 2017 Volunteer of the Year. Over 10 folks received votes that year, which speaks to how much we appreciated all of the important ministry by our members and friends. A life-long dedicated member of the church family, Lyle chaired the Board of Trustees and with loving care and knowledge he took good care of our church home. Constantly in demand with the many issues that arise, Lyle responded to each with grace, detail and good humor. We extend our appreciation to Lyle.
When it was mentioned that he has been in this church since he was born, and all the hard work he has done his whole life for the church, he said, “Worked hard my whole life? - NOT YET!”
For never saying 'no' to anything, for painting the basement rooms ready for renting, for helping to run the audio video system, for helping set up the yard sale despite working an 8 hr shift at work the same day, for being there at any occasion, many congratulations go to Tom Miller!

John Court is our Volunteer of the Year. Noting Micah 6:8 : “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” John is recognized with much appreciation for the vision, grace, and humility he demonstrated this year in leading the congregation through this time of transition.